How to solve your junk mail problems? |
Refresh your postal mailbox with Our
simple-to-use online system enables you to work together with, to promptly notify unwanted junk mailers to
delete your name and private information from their databases. The
junk mailers then become responsible and liable for deleting your
information from their databases. Most junk mailers update their
databases every 3 to 6 months, so you should notice a substantial
decrease in your requested unwanted junk mail during that time
frame. Because there are thousands of people who have access to
your family's sensitive information, our systems are formatted to
allow you to regularly revisit us online to notify us of any
unwanted junk mailers who are still sending you junk mail. If
necessary, our additional techniques, including possible legal
notifications, can be implemented to eradicate the problem.
Many consumers may inadvertently fall back into databases as a
result of purchases, warranty cards, rebates, contests, credit
card applications, change of address, subscriptions, and a number
of other data base mining techniques used by junk mailers -- our
systems are designed to enable you to prevent many of these
occurrences in advance and to delete new junk mail that may
surface later. Our ongoing relationship allows you to regain
control of your mailbox and reduce your daily diet of junk mail.
For a limited time, the proceeds from beyond
operating costs will be applied directly to the development of, an independent, non-profit worldwide community
devoted to addressing the earth’s most urgent environmental
problems and contributing to sustainable living on our planet. By
providing comprehensive and current information on a wide array of
green issues, aims to increase public awareness and
activism in order to seek solutions to our rapidly growing
environmental concerns. With numerous esteemed published
scientific studies, including those from NASA, continuing to
confirm that global warming is a clear and present danger to
healthy human life on earth, it is imperative that we make
concerted efforts to find ways to heal our habitat.
It is your home, your choice, your privacy, your identity, and
your earth. Please join USjunkmail and regain control of your
mailbox! For a nominal fee and a few simple steps, we invite you
to join USjunkmail to act as your gatekeeper for those unwanted
mails, advertisements and catalogues that arrive at your door
unannounced each day, every week, and every year.
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