"Recently observed change in Arctic temperatures and sea ice
cover may be a harbinger of global climate changes to come,
according to a recent NASA study. Satellite data -- the unique
view from space -- are allowing researchers to more clearly see
Arctic changes and develop an improved understanding of the
possible effect on climate worldwide.
The Arctic warming study, appearing in the November 1 issue of
the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate, shows
that compared to the 1980s, most of the Arctic warmed
significantly over the last decade, with the biggest temperature
increases occurring over North America."
"For the first time, scientists have confirmed Earth is melting
at both ends, which could have disastrous effects for coastal
cities and villages."
"Antarctica has been called "a slumbering giant" by a climate
scientist who predicts that if all the ice melted, sea levels
would rise by 200 feet. Other scientists believe that such a
thing won't happen, but new studies show that the slumbering
giant has started to stir... According to the National Academy
of Sciences, Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1
degree Fahrenheit in the last century, with accelerated warming
during the last two decades. Most of the warming over the last
50 years is attributable to human activities through the buildup
of greenhouse gases —" "We now must choose between a serious
problem that we can probably handle and, if we don't act soon,
unmitigated disaster down the road," Hansen said.
North Pole Meets South Pole: Earth Is Melting
at Both Ends
Melting Ice Caps Could Spell Disaster for
Coastal Cities